
Title pLink2 - invalid license
Priority question Status finished
Superseder Nosy List Duc_Tran, pzmao
Assigned To pzmao Keywords

Created on 2023-02-23.03:10:16 by Duc_Tran, last changed by pzmao.

msg345 (view) Author: pzmao Date: 2023-03-29.05:05:18
My apologies for having missed your question earlier.

When you have finished installing pLink on your new computer, you will need to 
fill in the registration information again in the license dialog when you open 
pLink on your new computer.

Note that different computers have different activation codes.
msg342 (view) Author: Duc_Tran Date: 2023-02-23.03:10:16
We have 2 local computers that I would like to install pLink2 on. I finished one 
yesterday. Today I'm installing pLink2 on the 2nd computer, I requested a new license 
file (using same email address) and received one. But when I put this license file into 
the software on the 2nd computer. it said license is invalid.
Date User Action Args
2023-03-29 05:05:20pzmaosetstatus: chatting -> finished
messages: + msg345
2023-03-03 18:16:37kfwangsetstatus: unread -> chatting
2023-03-03 18:16:28kfwangsetassignedto: pzmao
nosy: + pzmao
2023-02-23 03:10:17Duc_Trancreate