
Title [pNovo] Less number of predictions than input spectra
Priority question Status finished
Superseder Nosy List irleader, jinyangl
Assigned To Keywords pNovo

Created on 2023-05-19.18:09:28 by irleader, last changed by jinyangl.

msg354 (view) Author: jinyangl Date: 2023-05-25.15:42:26
Hi irleader,

pNovo has a mass filter function. Only precursors within 300-3500 Da mass window 
will be sequenced. I think these missing predictions outranged the mass window.
msg353 (view) Author: irleader Date: 2023-05-19.18:09:28
I input 34212 sepctra with several mgf files. Finally, it displays 33935 
predicitons, among the 33935 predictions, 32607 predictions have valid 
sequences, others (33935-32607=1328) are nan.

I understand that due to precursor/fragment tolerance and PTMs, there will be 
spectra without any valid prediction sequences,which shows nan (the 1328 

However, why only 33935 predictions are displayed when 34212 spectra are input? 
What happened to the missing predictions?
Date User Action Args
2023-07-11 21:01:40jinyanglsetstatus: chatting -> finished
title: [pNovo3]Less number of predictions than input spectra -> [pNovo] Less number of predictions than input spectra
2023-05-25 15:42:28jinyanglsetstatus: unread -> chatting
messages: + msg354
nosy: + jinyangl
2023-05-19 18:09:29irleadercreate