
Title pFind results were removed automatically
Priority urgent Status finished
Superseder Nosy List Jiaxiang, Stu.Zhang
Assigned To Jiaxiang Keywords

Created on 2024-06-02.19:56:50 by Stu.Zhang, last changed by Stu.Zhang.

msg429 (view) Author: Stu.Zhang Date: 2024-06-03.22:42:00
Yes, I finally found out that my hardware disk was broken, it's not the fault of 
pFind. Thanks very much!
msg428 (view) Author: Jiaxiang Date: 2024-06-03.11:15:27
Hello, pfind can directly analyze raw files without using MSConvert to convert 
them to MGF format. You can directly select the type RAW in MS Data Format.
msg426 (view) Author: Stu.Zhang Date: 2024-06-02.19:56:50
[E:\pFind\20240601\HCl-OS-SixFrame-UniProt\ : start from Data Extraction]

Process 1: 
Process 2: 
Process 1: 	  *********************************************
Process 2: 	  *********************************************
Process 1: 	 /       pParse2.0 (x64) from pFind Studio     \
Process 2: 	 /       pParse2.0 (x64) from pFind Studio     \
Process 1: 	/        Email  :              \
Process 2: 	/        Email  :              \
Process 1: 	\        Website:       /
Process 2: 	\        Website:       /
Process 1: 	  *********************************************
Process 2: 	  *********************************************
Process 1: 
Process 2: 
Process 1: The license will expire in 2100-1-1
Process 2: The license will expire in 2100-1-1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - --------- BEGIN PARAMETERS -----------
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - --------- BEGIN PARAMETERS -----------
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 01: check_activationcenter = 1
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 01: check_activationcenter = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 02: co-elute = 1
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 02: co-elute = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 03: cut_similiar_mono = 1
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 03: cut_similiar_mono = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 04: datanum = 2
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 04: datanum = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 05: datapath1 = E:\OE480_raw_data\20240318ZXQ\1.mgf
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 05: datapath1 = E:\OE480_raw_data\20240318ZXQ\6.mgf
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 06: datapath2 = E:\OE480_raw_data\20240318ZXQ\3.mgf
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 06: delete_msn = 0
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 07: delete_msn = 0
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 07: input_format = mgf
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 08: input_format = mgf
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 08: intensity = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 09: intensity = 1
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 09: ipv_file = .\IPV.txt
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 10: ipv_file = .\IPV.txt
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 10: isolation_width = 2.000000
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 11: isolation_width = 2.000000
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 11: logfilepath = 
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 12: logfilepath = 
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 12: m/z = 5
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 13: m/z = 5
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 13: mars_model = 4
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 14: mars_model = 4
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 14: mars_threshold = -0.500000
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 15: mars_threshold = -0.500000
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 15: mstol = 20.000000
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 16: mstol = 20.000000
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 16: mstolppm = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 17: mstolppm = 1
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 17: output_mgf = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 18: output_mgf = 1
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 18: output_msb = 0
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 19: output_msb = 0
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 19: output_pf = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 20: output_pf = 1
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 20: outputpath = 
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 21: outputpath = 
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 21: recalibrate_window = 7.000000
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 22: recalibrate_window = 7.000000
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - 22: rewrite_files = 0
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 23: rewrite_files = 0
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - --------- END PARAMETERS -------------
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - --------- END PARAMETERS -------------
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - pParse writes logs in 
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - pParse writes logs in 
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> - E:\OE480_raw_data\20240318ZXQ\6.mgf has existed 
results, skipping...
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - E:\OE480_raw_data\20240318ZXQ\1.mgf has existed 
results, skipping...
Process 2: [pParse] <INFO> -  == == == Time elapsed: 0 seconds. == == == = 
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - E:\OE480_raw_data\20240318ZXQ\3.mgf has existed 
results, skipping...
[pFind]  #########################################
[pFind]  #                                       #
[pFind]  #  Welcome to use pFind search engine!  #
[pFind]  #                                       #
[pFind]  #                  version 3.2.0        #
[pFind]  #                                       #
[pFind]  #             #
[pFind]  #                                       #
[pFind]  #########################################
[pFind] Fasta path: H:\libraries\Six_frame_Uniprot_combined_con.fasta
[pFind] MSMS path: E:\OE480_raw_data\20240318ZXQ\1.mgf
[pFind] <Search 1> Round: 1 / 0
[pFind] <Search 1>: 100%
[pFind] Search time: 3.06
[pFind] <Protein Infer> Inferring proteins...
[pFind] <Protein Infer> Inferring proteins completed.
[pFind] <Rerank>: 100%
[pFind] <Search 2> Round: 1 / 0
[pFind] <Search 2>: 100%
[pFind] Time Used: 0.35.
[pFind] <Protein Infer> Inferring proteins...
[pFind] <Protein Infer> Inferring proteins completed.
[pFind] <Rerank>: 100%
[pFind] MSMS path: E:\OE480_raw_data\20240318ZXQ\3.mgf
[pFind] <Search 1> Round: 1 / 0
[pFind] <Search 1>: 100%
[pFind] Search time: 1.69
[pFind] <Protein Infer> Inferring proteins...
[pFind] <Protein Infer> Inferring proteins completed.
[pFind] <Rerank>: 100%
[pFind] <Search 2> Round: 1 / 0
[pFind] <Search 2>: 100%
[pFind] Time Used: 0.34.
[pFind] <Protein Infer> Inferring proteins...
[pFind] <Protein Infer> Inferring proteins completed.
[pFind] <Rerank>: 100%
[pFind] MSMS path: E:\OE480_raw_data\20240318ZXQ\6.mgf
[pFind] <Search 1> Round: 1 / 0
[pFind] <Search 1>: 100%
[pFind] Search time: 1.91
[pFind] <Protein Infer> Inferring proteins...
[pFind] <Protein Infer> Inferring proteins completed.
[pFind] <Rerank>: 100%
[pFind] <Search 2> Round: 1 / 0
[pFind] <Search 2>: 100%
[pFind] Time Used: 0.38.
[pFind] <Protein Infer> Inferring proteins...
[pFind] <Protein Infer> Inferring proteins completed.
[pFind] <Rerank>: 100%
[pFind] == == == Total Time elapsed of Identification: 32.5 seconds. == == ==
[pFind] <Filter By FDR> Initialize...
[pFind] <Filter By FDR> TDA started...
[pFind] <Filter By FDR> TDA completed.
Overall ID Rate: 0 / 0 = nan%
[pFind] == == == Total Time elapsed of Filter: 1.9 seconds. == == ==
***********Total Time: 34.72***********

== == == == == Total Time Used for This Task: 00:00:35 == == == == ==

Hello, professors!
I was trying to analyze my LC-MS/MS data on pFind, firstly I converted the .raw 
data into .mgf by MSConvert, and then I ran pFind and got the results, but I 
don't know from when the result folders were removed automatically. And when I 
tried to reanalyze the data on pFind, there seemed to be some problems, and the 
analyze was exited with an "error" notice on pBuild as I posted above. Can you 
help me see where was wrong?
Date User Action Args
2024-06-03 22:42:02Stu.Zhangsetstatus: chatting -> finished
messages: + msg429
2024-06-03 11:15:28Jiaxiangsetstatus: evaluating -> chatting
assignedto: Jiaxiang
messages: + msg428
nosy: + Jiaxiang
2024-06-02 19:56:52Stu.Zhangcreate