Hi there, I got stuck when trying to use pFind to search some raw files. The
error occured in the extraction step:
Process 2: [pXtract] <INFO> - Try to generate new rawinfo.
Process 2: [pXtract] <ERROR> - GetInstrumentData
Process 2: [pXtract] <ERROR> - 在
Process 2: 在
Process 2: 在 Xtract.RawExtractor.ParseInstrumentData()
Process 2: 在 Xtract.RawExtractor.Extract()
Process 2: 在 Xtract.Program.Main(String[] args)
Process 2: [pParse] <EXIT> - pParse has encountered a problem and will exit.
Process 2: You can send your pParsePlusLog.txt to pparse@ict.ac.cn for help.
The file is 20141202_QEp8_KiSh_SA_Cerebellum_P14_Singleshot2.raw downloaded from
https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride/archive/projects/PXD001250. The other three raw
files behaves normally, and I'm not sure if this has relations to the raw file.
When I try to run pFind again, the error still exists. The log file of pParse is
attached below.
Maybe this question is the same as Issue62.
Jinyang Li