
Title The mass spectrometry data collected in DDA mode is in raw. format, and the library is directly searched by pfind, and the number of matching peptides and proteins are both 0.
Priority question Status finished
Superseder Nosy List tjj
Assigned To Keywords

Created on 2022-09-22.23:51:04 by tjj, last changed by tjj.

msg278 (view) Author: tjj Date: 2022-09-22.23:51:04
[K:\pfindTask1\ : start from Data Extraction]

Process 1: 
Process 1: 	  *********************************************
Process 1: 	 /       pParse2.0 (x64) from pFind Studio     \
Process 1: 	/        Email  :              \
Process 1: 	\        Website:       /
Process 1: 	  *********************************************
Process 1: 
Process 1: The license will expire in 2100-1-1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - --------- BEGIN PARAMETERS -----------
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 01: check_activationcenter = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 02: co-elute = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 03: cut_similiar_mono = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 04: datanum = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 05: datapath1 = J:\TJJ\mass data\Test\BSA.raw
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 06: delete_msn = 0
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 07: input_format = raw
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 08: intensity = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 09: ipv_file = .\IPV.txt
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 10: isolation_width = 2.000000
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 11: logfilepath = J:\TJJ\mass data\Test\.proc1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 12: m/z = 5
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 13: mars_model = 4
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 14: mars_threshold = -0.500000
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 15: mstol = 20.000000
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 16: mstolppm = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 17: output_mgf = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 18: output_msb = 0
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 19: output_pf = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 20: outputpath = 
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 21: recalibrate_window = 7.000000
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 22: rewrite_files = 0
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - --------- END PARAMETERS -------------
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - pParse writes logs in J:\TJJ\mass data\Test\.proc1\pParsePlusLog.txt
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - J:\TJJ\mass data\Test\BSA.raw has existed results, skipping...
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> -  == == == Time elapsed: 0 seconds. == == == = 
[pFind]  #########################################
[pFind]  #                                       #
[pFind]  #  Welcome to use pFind search engine!  #
[pFind]  #                                       #
[pFind]  #                  version 3.1.5        #
[pFind]  #                                       #
[pFind]  #       #
[pFind]  #                                       #
[pFind]  #########################################
[pFind] Fasta path: J:\TJJ\FASTA\uniprot-bovine.fasta
[pFind] MSMS path: J:\TJJ\mass data\Test\BSA_CIDIT.pf2
[pFind] <Search 1> Round: 1 / 1
[pFind] <Search 1>: 100%
[pFind] Search time: 7.57
[pFind] <Protein Infer> Inferring proteins...
[pFind] <Protein Infer> Inferring proteins completed.
[pFind] <Rerank>: 100%
[pFind] <Search 2> Round: 1 / 1
[pFind] <Search 2>: 100%
[pFind] Time Used: 1.78.
[pFind] <Protein Infer> Inferring proteins...
[pFind] <Protein Infer> Inferring proteins completed.
[pFind] <Rerank>: 100%
[pFind] == == == Total Time elapsed of Identification: 16.8 seconds. == == ==
[pFind] <Filter By FDR> Initialize...
[pFind] <Filter By FDR> TDA started...
[pFind] <Filter By FDR> TDA completed.
Overall ID Rate: 0 / 9863 = 0%
[pFind] == == == Total Time elapsed of Filter: 1.3 seconds. == == ==
***********Total Time: 18.62***********

== == == == == Total Time Used for This Task: 00:00:19 == == == == ==
Date User Action Args
2022-09-22 23:51:05tjjcreate