
Title [pNovo] Can I modify param.txt to change HCD and ETD ion type for pnovo3_search.exe?
Priority question Status finished
Superseder Nosy List irleader, jinyangl
Assigned To jinyangl Keywords pNovo

Created on 2023-05-05.16:23:45 by irleader, last changed by jinyangl.

msg352 (view) Author: jinyangl Date: 2023-05-17.16:43:17
Hi irleader,

`param.txt` is for `pnovo3_search.exe`, but it will be rewritten everytime you 
click on `Search` on GUI.

Here is a way. You can change the file `pNovo-template/param.txt` in the 
installation directory, which is the template for `pnovo3_search.exe`. Remember 
to backup before you change the file.

Not sure if it satisfies your demands because I also have not tried this before. 
Contact me if you meet questions.

msg351 (view) Author: irleader Date: 2023-05-05.16:23:45
I am using pnovo 3 latest GUI with pnovo3_search.exe.

Will modify param.txt change settings for pnovo GUI?

I am using a mode which can produce all a,b,c,x,y,z and their doubly charged 
ions, how can I modify the following?

#The lines below show the basic ion types of HCD and ETD data.
HCDIONTYPE1=b	1 1 1 0.0
HCDIONTYPE2=y	1 0 1 18.0105647
HCDIONTYPE3=b	2 1 1 0.0
HCDIONTYPE4=y	2 0 1 18.0105647
ETDIONTYPE1=c 1 1 1 17.026549105
ETDIONTYPE2=z 1 0 1 1.99129206512
ETDIONTYPE3=c-1 1 1 0 16.01872407
ETDIONTYPE4=z+1 1 0 1 2.999665665
ETDIONTYPE5=c 2 1 0 17.026549105
ETDIONTYPE6=z 2 0 0 1.99129206512

Is param.txt for pnovo3_search.exe or not?
Date User Action Args
2023-07-11 20:57:16jinyanglsetstatus: chatting -> finished
title: Can I modify param.txt to change HCD and ETD ion type for pnovo3_search.exe? -> [pNovo] Can I modify param.txt to change HCD and ETD ion type for pnovo3_search.exe?
priority: urgent -> question
2023-05-17 16:43:19jinyanglsetstatus: unread -> chatting
assignedto: jinyangl
messages: + msg352
nosy: + jinyangl
2023-05-05 16:23:47irleadercreate