
Title Question
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Superseder Nosy List kfwang, zhaojiazhen
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Created on 2023-10-08.09:08:30 by zhaojiazhen, last changed by kfwang.

msg380 (view) Author: kfwang Date: 2023-10-09.10:39:31
1. If the modifications are known, I think it would be more appropriate to use 
pGlyco 3.
2. pGlyco 3 has visualisation capabilities.
3. Is the third question to discover unknown modifications? Maybe pChem software 
will meet your needs.

The relevant software can be found at
msg379 (view) Author: zhaojiazhen Date: 2023-10-08.09:08:30
Dear teacher,
I have the following questions about p-Find and p-Glyco:
1. We want to customize a modification to search for N-glycopeptides enriched by 
chemical reaction by clicking on them. Which software is more appropriate to use 
p-Find or p-Glyco?
2. How do I use p-Glyco or p-Find to view glycosylation sites?
3. Which software can customize the new retouching? How to customize? Is it to 
calculate the Mass number of the modification?
Date User Action Args
2023-11-20 11:35:27kfwangsetstatus: chatting -> finished
2023-10-09 10:39:33kfwangsetmessages: + msg380
status: unread -> chatting
nosy: + kfwang
2023-10-08 09:08:32zhaojiazhencreate