
Author hahaz
Recipients hahaz
Date 2022-06-28.11:58:12
[D:\pFindWorkspace\pFindTask2\ : start from Data Extraction]

Process 1: 
Process 1: 	  *********************************************
Process 1: 	 /       pParse2.0 (x64) from pFind Studio     \
Process 1: 	/        Email  :              \
Process 1: 	\        Website:       /
Process 1: 	  *********************************************
Process 1: 
Process 1: The license will expire in 2100-1-1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - --------- BEGIN PARAMETERS -----------
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 01: check_activationcenter = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 02: co-elute = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 03: cut_similiar_mono = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 04: datanum = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 05: datapath1 = E:\DATA\SYNAPT-G2-Si-spectrum\Raw-
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 06: delete_msn = 0
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 07: input_format = mzml
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 08: intensity = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 09: ipv_file = .\IPV.txt
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 10: isolation_width = 2.000000
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 11: logfilepath = E:\DATA\SYNAPT-G2-Si-
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 12: m/z = 5
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 13: mars_model = 4
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 14: mars_threshold = -0.500000
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 15: mstol = 20.000000
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 16: mstolppm = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 17: output_mgf = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 18: output_msb = 0
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 19: output_pf = 1
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 20: outputpath = 
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 21: recalibrate_window = 7.000000
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - 22: rewrite_files = 0
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - --------- END PARAMETERS -------------
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - pParse writes logs in E:\DATA\SYNAPT-G2-Si-
Process 1: [pParse] <INFO> - .\xtract_xml.exe -ms -a -i 1 -m 5 -o 
"E:\DATA\SYNAPT-G2-Si-spectrum\Raw-data\convert-mzML" "E:\DATA\SYNAPT-G2-Si-
Process 1: [pXtract] <ERROR> - Sorry, the license has expired.
Process 1: [pXtract] <Exception>: Please visit and 
download the newest version.
Process 1: [pXtract] <ERROR> -    在 Xtract.Program.TimeControl()
Process 1:    在 Xtract.Program.Main(String[] args)
Process 1: [pParse] <EXIT> - pParse has encountered a problem and will exit.
Date User Action Args
2022-06-28 11:58:14hahazsetmessageid: <>
2022-06-28 11:58:14hahazsetrecipients: + hahaz
2022-06-28 11:58:14hahazlinkissue86 messages
2022-06-28 11:58:14hahazcreate