
Author DYasar
Recipients DYasar
Date 2021-01-14.23:29:05
Dear pLink-Team
I#ve ris to use pLink for quite a while now and even though i tried many different things, 2 issues really doesnt work out. First an foremost: pLink doesnt perform a Crosslinker-Search and stops right after "Search Engine is ready to search". Ive tried to leave it like that for 3 days but it doesnt work. Do you know anything i can do? h second issue is more for my basic understanding: I#ve searched quite a few forums but no one knows what "Process Number" in the identification chart stands for? I'd love to know.

Keep up the good work guys and thank you in advance
Date User Action Args
2021-01-14 23:29:08DYasarsetmessageid: <>
2021-01-14 23:29:08DYasarsetrecipients: + DYasar
2021-01-14 23:29:08DYasarlinkissue5 messages
2021-01-14 23:29:08DYasarcreate