List of issues

ID Activity Title Status Creator Assigned To
95 23 months ago peptides incorrectly mapped to proteins unread kmolloy pzmao
96 23 months ago download pGlyco3 finished xuexiaomin  
94 23 months ago pFind 提交运行时pParse 故障 finished yiman  
87 25 months ago [pFind] pXtract ERROR- Sorry, the license has expired finished keewe  
63 26 months ago [pNovo]pNovo3 cannot function properly finished novo feizhengcong
70 26 months ago pNOVO卡住,不出结果 finished Fisher  
65 28 months ago [pConfig]pConfig in pNovo3 encountered a problem and needed to close finished novo kfwang
41 34 months ago [pLabel] run time error finished vlevina pzmao
12 39 months ago [pLink] pLink failed to calculate e-value processing ctarn ctarn
125 17 months ago pFind_how to find intensities? chatting fzx736  
4 24 months ago [pLink] pLink 2 currently only supports MS1-MS2 (CID+ETD) data finished lonelu pzmao
5 26 months ago [pLink] pLink stops after "Search Engine is ready to search" finished DYasar ctarn
7 26 months ago [pLink] pLink stops after "Search Engine is ready to search" finished Kitty ctarn
14 39 months ago [pFind] .wiff data is not fully supported by pFind processing DZ kfwang
2 44 months ago [pParse] precursors in .ms2 files should also be rectified processing Yudong ctarn
170 2 weeks ago 关于使用过程中一些问题 chatting hzy2001 Jiaxiang
168 2 weeks ago pfind报错 finished Jiaxiang
171 2 weeks ago pfind: system cannot find the specified file 系统找不到指定文件 chatting Lilya Jiaxiang
165 2 months ago pBuild 卡顿问题 finished liang  
166 2 months ago charge of Raw file finished TXL  
159 3 months ago [pLink2] guide to command control finished ckps pzmao
122 6 months ago 无法读取数据 finished fei  
156 7 months ago [pFind] ALERT: Invalid_msmspath1_Path finished rocky  
146 8 months ago Question finished zhaojiazhen  
154 8 months ago pGlyco3 settings chatting caiyan0723 jalew188
147 8 months ago 关于p-Find的几个问题 finished zhaojiazhen  
143 11 months ago pTop无法开始分析,软件报错"the configuration is not completed" unread wangziwei  
142 11 months ago pTop2 如何不让软件搜索truncate的proteoform? unread wangziwei  
140 11 months ago pParse MSFileReader and file extraction problems finished robertfaulkner ctarn
139 11 months ago Can Mac system with chip created by Apple run pFind, if using virtual machine(ARM windows)? finished Xuekai_Qi  
79 11 months ago pParse运行报错 finished lixiaoyu  
134 11 months ago 如何使用命令行,传递相应参数给pfind,而无需打开GUI界面运行pfind,这样可以通过python自动化输出结果 finished  
138 11 months ago pTop2注册邮箱无法发送邮件,无法获得licence finished wangziwei  
88 12 months ago [pNovo] Uncertain about the meaning of the lowercase letter a in pNovo3.1.3 finished zhangyuanliang  
89 12 months ago [pNovo] Input format finished yq  
133 12 months ago [pNovo] Less number of predictions than input spectra finished irleader  
131 12 months ago [pNovo] Can I modify param.txt to change HCD and ETD ion type for pnovo3_search.exe? finished irleader jinyangl
129 14 months ago Error in running pLink search finished Tisebe pzmao
132 14 months ago pfind3是否可以对TMT11plex标记的样品进行定量? unread yesswlq  
126 16 months ago pLink2 - invalid license finished Duc_Tran pzmao
123 17 months ago 库里面的交联剂导入plink时候,有些交联剂在库里面显示,却不能导入到plink中 finished pioneer pzmao
119 17 months ago pGlyco unread MYY jalew188
115 20 months ago pLink能否做TMT定量分析?如何操作? finished Qin pzmao
116 20 months ago 设置了TMT10标记之后在哪里可以查看每个标记的信息? finished asuka  
112 20 months ago [pLink] is the score better high or low? finished LauraM ctarn
111 20 months ago Compatibility between TimsTOF pro (.d) result with Plink finished derffff  
107 20 months ago FAIMS原始文件转化成mgf之后是否还做其他修改如何搜plink? finished Rui_Sun  
103 21 months ago spectra里有许多Qvalue大于一的原因是什么 finished asuka kfwang
104 21 months ago pGlyco results issues unread xiashj jalew188
101 21 months ago trouble reading raw file chatting mmack  
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